Star Wars The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The clone wars is an animated series initially airing on Cartoon Network that eventually moved to Disney Plus for its final season in 2020. The series is set between the events of Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith where the Republic is in a state of civil war. The Jedi are being hunted down by the Separatists and the Republic is being led by Chancellor Palpatine. The series follows the adventures of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and many other Jedi and clones as they fight to restore peace to the galaxy.

Season 1

Season one of the the series was not much to write home about as the show was just getting off the ground and was mainly used to introduce the characters and the setting. There were however a couple very important arcs that I will breifly go over.

The Molevolence Arc


The first major arc of the series is the Molevolence Arc. The arc begins with jedi master Plo Koon being sent to investigate a series of merciless attacks on Republic Warships that leave no survivors. He soon realizes that these attacks were done at the hands of a ruthless seperatist General Grevous who is in possession of a powerful Warship called the Molevolence.


Caught off guard master plo koons fleet gets destroyed by the molevolence. Before this his warship manages to send a message to Anakin Skywalker and Asoka Tono calling for help.

Evemtually after a couple episodes they are able to destroy the ship even though General Grevious escapes the destruction.

The Siege of Ryloth Arc

The second significant arc of the series is the Siege of Ryloth Arc. The arc begins with the Republic beginning an invasion of the planet Ryloth to put down a separatist uprising. The planet is home to the Twi'leks who are a species of humanoids with long tails. The Twi'leks are a peaceful species and are not used to fighting. The first episode of the arc is called "Storm Over Ryloth". during this episode the Republic begins its invasion of the planet.


after fierce fighting the Republic is able to break the seperatist blockade and land troops on the planet.


in the final episodes of the arc the Republic along with the help of Cham Syndulla and his crew of freedom fighters are able to defeat the separatists and restore peace to the planet.

Season 2

Season two of the series is where the show really starts to shine. The show is now in full swing and is able to tell some really great stories. The season is split into 4 arcs. There is only three of which that I will go over.

Second Battle of Geonosis Arc


The first arc I will go over is the Second Battle of Geonosis Arc. The arc is all about the republics massive second invasion of the planet Geonosis. This invasion came after the republic found out that the separatists had rebuilt the droid factories on the planet and were now producing more droids.
