In the U.S. version of The Office, Michael Scott burns his foot on:
1) hot water 
2) pavement/cement 
3) a George Foreman grill 
4) rocks on fire 
Which ocean is the largest?
1) Indian 
2) Arctic 
3) Atlantic 
4) Pacific 
What was the original flavor of PEZ candy invented in 1927?
1) Peppermint 
2) Orange 
3) Grape 
4) Cherry 
Which kind of fruit is actually a berry?
1) Apple 
2) Orange 
3) Banana 
4) Kiwi 
Which state is known as the Sunflower state?
1) Florida 
2) Kansas 
3) Maine 
4) California 
According to Forrest Gump, life is like....
1) a sinking sailboat 
2) a field of flowers 
3) a box of chocolates 
4) a bucket of fried shrimp