Eric Breimer

Computer Science Major

Siena College


  • 2015-2016
    • Fall
      1. CSIS-110 Introduction to Computer Science
      2. MATH-110 Calculus I
      3. FYSM-100 First Year Seminar I
      4. HIST-103 The West and the World 1500-1900
      5. ENGL-101 Introduction to Literature
    • Spring
      1. CSIS-120 Software Development
      2. MATH-120 Calculus II
      3. FYSM-101 First Year Seminar I
      4. ECON-101 Principles of Economics, Micro
      5. PHIL-101 Philosophy and the Human Being
  • 2016-2017
    • Fall
      1. CSIS-210 Data Structures
      2. MATH-250 Discrete Structures
      3. CREA-101 Intro to the Creative Arts
      4. CSIS-220 Assembly Lang and Comp Architecture
      5. RELG-141 An Introduction to Religious Thought
    • Spring
      1. CSIS-225 Advanced Programming
      2. MATH-350 Theory of Computation
      3. CSIS-385 Design & Analysis of Algorithms
      4. MGMT-211 Management
      5. CSIS-390 Web Application Development
  • 2017-2018
    • Fall
      1. MRKT-212 Marketing
      2. POSC—205 State and Local Government
      3. ENVA—100 Environmental Science
      4. CSIS-499 Independent Study
      5. CREA-251 World Theatre History
    • Spring
      1. ENGL—220 Literature and the Environment
      2. ENGL-250 The Drama
      3. EDUC-225 Sociology of Education
      4. FREN-027 French Cinema
      5. FINC-025 Personal Finance
  • 2018-2019
    • Fall
      1. SCDV-480 Internship
      2. CSIS-350 Database Management Systems
      3. ASTR-010 Astronomy
      4. CSIS-410 Software Engineering I
    • Spring
      1. CSIS-415 Software Engineering II
      2. CSIS-201 Diversity in CS
      3. CSIS-320 Machine Learning
      4. CSIS-380 Computer Graphics
      5. MATH-371 Probability for Statistics