Course Work

Fall 2017

  1. CSIS 110: Introduction to Computer Science
  2. ENGL 101: Intro to Literature
  3. FYSM 100: First Year Seminar 1
  4. MATH 110: Calculus 1
  5. PHYS 130: General Physics 1

Spring 2018

  1. CSIS 120: Introduction to Software Development
  2. FYSM 101: First Year Seminar 2
  3. HIST 101: Shaping of Contemporay World
  4. MATH 120: Calculus 2
  5. PHIL 101: Philosophy and the Human Being

Fall 2018

  1. CREA 101: Intro to the Creative Arts
  2. CSIS 200: Introduction to CyberSecurity
  3. CSIS 210: Data Structures
  4. MATH 250: Discrete Structures
  5. RELG 181: Experiences of the Sacred

Spring 2019

  1. CSIS 225: Advanced Programming
  2. CSIS 385: Design+Analysis of Algorithm
  3. CSIS 390: Web Application Development
  4. FINC 025: Personal Finance
  5. MRKT 212: Marketing