1. CSIS-110 (Intro to Computer Science)
    2. MATH-110 (Calculus 1)
    3. FYSM-100 (First Year Semenar)
    4. PHIL-103 (Reason and Argument)
    5. CREA-101 (Introduction to Music)
    1. CSIS-120 (Intro to Software Development)
    2. MATH-120 (Calculus 2)
    3. FYSM-101 (First Year Semenar)
    4. GERM-026 (Twenth Cent German Cinema)
    5. ENGL-101 (Introduction to Literature)
    1. CSIS-210 (Data Structures)
    2. MATH-250 (Discrete Structures)
    3. CSIS 200 (Intro to CyberSecurity)
    4. CSIS-220 (Assembly Language and Computer Architecture)
    5. RELG-121 (Intro to Biblical Studies)
    1. CSIS-225 (Advanced Programing)
    2. CSIS-380 (Computer Graphics)
    3. CSIS-385 (Design+Analysis of Algorithm)
    4. CSIS-390 (Web Application Development)
    5. ECON-101(Principles of Economics,Micro)
    6. Independent Study

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