- Siena College, Loudonville,NY (Expected Graduation May 2020)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Undecided Minor
- Overall GPA: 3.4 and Major GPA: 3.7
Computer Skills
- Extensive experience programming in Java, Python, C++, Visual Basic.
- Familiar with programming in JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
- Knowledgeable in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Windows.
Professional Experience
Subway-Latham,NY (April 2015 - Present)
- Developed and trained newly-hired employees.
- Presented employees with weekly presentations on different skills.
- Kept track of daily inventory and managed weekly deliveries.
- Developed a rolling schedule for the employees.
Watrevliet High School (September 2015- August 2016)
Tech Intern
- In charge of preparing computer systems such as installing new software
- Assisted students and school staff with day-to-day computer support.
- Developed a system of tracking for working/non-working machines in each room.
- Inspected and analyzed SmartBoard systems in each room daily.
Relevent Coursework
- Data Structures, Web Design and Management, Intro to Software Development, Discrete Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
College Activities
Muslim Student Asscoiation (September 2016 - present)
- Organized a variet of on-campus activities
- Arranged different speakers for club members
National Society of Leadership and Success. (September 2016 - present)
- Participated in leadership, success, and network training.
- Attend different broadcasts
- Minimum GPA required 3.3
- Volunteer for local community centers