Ducks are often in the spotlight of public view. Their beauty and wisdom is often coveted among people everywhere.
Donald Duck is one of the most beloved American cartoon characters. Look how intelligent and curious he is.
The greatest mascot in all of college sports belongs to the Oregon Ducks. Clearly a fearsome beast, but its fearsome comes at a price.
Loved by the fans.
Hated by the enemies.
The Aflac duck is a pathetic excuse for a duck! He's always yelling about something and running into things. Clumsy and dumb is not the way of a duck.
He appears to be a American Pekin Duck better know as a Long Island duck. This explains his lack of intelligence.
On a more serious note, may we remember all the ducks that were harmed in the making of the video game, Duck Hunt, for the Nintendo Entertainment System. RIP friends.