Weight: 3%
Create three related web pages that validate as HTML5 where every piece of content is marked-up with appropriate tags. The focus is on properly using block and inline tags.
Weight: 8%
Starting with the files you created in project 1, create additional web pages, organize them into a folder hierarchy, connect them via a main navigation menu, and add a linked stylesheet with some basic CSS decorations.
Weight: 5%
Improve the main stylesheet for your website and add appropriate embedded and inline CSS to richly decorate the text with borders and backgrounds. The focus is on appropriately using linked, embedded, and inline CSS to decorate text and content areas.
Weight: 8%
Based on the feedback from projects 1-3, improve your website design, add embedded video, audio, and animation examples, and centralize the control of your navigation menu using server-side includes.
Always check the schedule for due dates. Projects must be submitted via Blackboard by 11:59pm on the due date.
In Blackboard, click the menu item called "Submit Projects" and select the assignment submissions for the current project. All your project files should be put into a sub-folder. To submit, you must compress your project folder into a zip file and rename it username.zip where username is your Siena ID. Then, you must browse for this zip file on your computer and upload it via the assignment submission on Blackboard.
To properly test the links, Project 2-5 must be upload it to a web server.
I have provided each student with access to a virtual web server with a unique URL and FTP access to the server.