Learn about how web applications can...
- Fetch and process data from a database.
- Implement forms to control databases.
- Insert data into databases.
- Remove data from databases.
- Edit data from databases.
Key Concept
By using HTML forms and the http request/response process, we can
build accessible interfaces that can control databases.
Pre-lab Reading (Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS, 2nd Edition)
- p 166
- pp 172-185
- pp 233-250
If you do not have the textbook,
www.mysqltutorial.org/ and
PHP MySQL Introduction
are helpful resources.
Pre-lab Activity
Refer to the Pre-lab Reading to answer the Pre-lab Quiz in Blackboard.
- For file and folder names only use lowercase letters and never use spaces.
- Store all your files in your lab6 folder on the network drive
Connecting to web server via FTP
- Hostname: ftp.sienasellbacks.com
- Username: Your lastname @sienasellbacks.com
- Password: Told to you in lab3
- Settings: Use FTP; SFTP and SCP are not supported; If the option exists, use Passive FTP and
- Download and extract lab6.zip to your lab6 folder
- Listen to your instructor as he explains the purpose of all the files.
- Step-by-step we will implement scripts to find, delete, insert, and edit players.
- functions.php
- home.php
- list_all.php
- find.php
- delete.php
- insert.php
- edit.php
- None.