Web browsers and web servers, HTTP process, the roles of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL
Semantics vs. style, markup concepts, HTML document structure, DOM basics
URLs, href, absolute vs. relative, embedding images, src
Linked stylesheets vs. embedded and inline CSS, selectors, classes and ids, box model
How CSS can modify HTML elements to create page designs and layouts.
Input fields, text areas, radio buttons, check boxes, select-option menus
DOM manipulation, linked .js files vs embedded, event-driven concepts
Project 1 Due
Client-side: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM
How web servers work, the HTTP request/response process for dynamically generated pages
Embedding PHP in HTML vs. generating HTML with PHP.
Variables, data types, associative arrays
Why HTTP is "memoryless" and the role of sessions and cookies.
Project 2 Due
The role of databases in web applications
Deeply understanding how query results are fetched and processed using PHP.
Passing data from form to databases, sanitizing strings to avoid SQL injection.
String and array processing for creating SQL queries
Understanding HTTP redirects with PHP and why they are needed for PHP/MySQL applications.
Server-side: PHP, MySQL, Session
Advantages of client-side scripting
Dynamically creating and editing web pages without PHP
GET vs. POST revisited, XML vs. JSON
Understanding onreadystatechange and responseText
Using JavaScript & DOM to fetch data and change websites Dynamically
Project 4 Due
The jQuery object, properties and methods: html, css, attr
click, change, mouseover, focus, hide, fadeIn, fadeOut, animate
Dojo, Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation, Semantic UI
Application: ASP.NET, JSP, Ruby on Rails, Django, ColdFusion; Database: SQLServer, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Project 5 Due