Weight: 6%
Create a traditional folder-organized website that demonstrates the use of semantic HTML and three different methods of including CSS (linked, embedded, and inline).
Weight: 6%
This project has three parts designed to help you fully understand the difference between client-side and server-side scripting.
Weight: 4%
Create a simple application that creates dynamic web pages by fetching and processing data from a database server.
Weight: 7%
Create a basic application to insert, update, and delete data using HTML forms and PHP/MySQL functions.
Weight: 7%
Use jQuery to instantly update web pages on the client-side while using the AJAX framework to asynchronously update data in the database.
Always check the schedule for due dates. Projects must be submitted via Blackboard by 11:59pm on the due date.
In Blackboard, click the menu item called "Submit Projects" and select the assignment submissions for the current project. All your project files should be put into a sub-folder. To submit, you must compress your project folder into a zip file and rename it username.zip where username is your Siena ID. Then, you must browse for this zip file on your computer and upload it via the assignment submission on Blackboard.
To properly test the links, Project 2-5 must be upload it to a web server.
I have provided each student with access to a virtual web server with a unique URL and FTP access to the server.